What is a movement practice?

There are many ways to think about a movement practice.  Below are a few ideas from people and communities that have inspired and informed my practice:

“A movement practice is a comprehensive approach to physical activity that aims to develop the body and the mind harmoniously.” - APECO movement school

The goal is to be strong, supple, expressive, coordinated, to develop movement intelligence, and ultimately to thrive in any physical situation.” Republic of Movement

A movement practice is a life practice and, similar to crossfit, there are entry points for people of all abilities.

But what will we be doing?

This 90 minute sharing of practice will be led by John. We will engage with a variety of tasks, games, drills and riddles.  Generally speaking, the goal of these activities will be less about “getting good at them” and more about extracting skills and attributes that we can absorb into our bodies and carry with us into other moments of our life.  

We will touch upon…

Rhythm and timing


Spine work,

foundational coordination patterns, 


basic terminology, 

entry-level, ground based acrobatics

locomotion patterns


The intention of this share is to connect with folks and to offer people a tool or idea that will support other aspects of their training, practice or life. Take a look at the instagram accounts linked above and below for a visual sense of the kinds of work we will be engaging with.

Marcello Palozzo

Movement Practice Paris

Republic of Movement

APECO movement school

Who am I?

My name is John. I am not a movement teacher. I have maintained a daily movement practice for the past seven years. I was a student of Frank Powers and Roseanne Serpico for several years. I now study with Marcello Palozzo.  I spent twenty years riding on and falling off a skateboard.  I spent some time rock climbing. I ride a mountain bike and run through the woods hugging trees. I was introduced to the world of strength and conditioning in my late twenties by David, Chris and Shane. CFSBK stand up! 

Date: February 10, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM
Location: 608 Degraw Street
608 Degraw Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217 US
Spaces Left: 0 Capacity: 8

Registration Closed

Online registration is not available for this event. Please contact us for more information.