42,195m on the erg.You read that right.Last year, SBK hosted a 1/2 Marathon Row. This year, we've decided not to half-ass it again, and to go all. The. Way.We will host our first Marathon Row on Sunday, July 24th, at 2:15. There will be three categories: Single Scull: You do the whole marathon yourself Double Sculls: You and one partner divvy up the marathon however you want; you could each do one 21,098m block, or do multiple shorter pieces Quadruple Sculls: You and three other people divvy up the marathon however you want – you could each row one 10,549m block, or do multiple shorter piecesCoach Nick will send a DIY program to everyone who signs up; the training will consist of at least two long erg sessions a week for those of you in the Single Scull and Double Sculls to physically and mentally prepare you for the distance. Expect to devote 1–2+ hours twice a week to this.The enrollment fee is $60 per person. We will donate half the fee – and anything else you can raise – to Row New York, which teaches competitive rowing to kids in under-resourced communities.
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